On Earth As It Is In Heaven

On Earth As It Is In Heaven —

The foundation for all missions partnerships at Grace is that the expressed mission of our partners is centered around the advancement of the Gospel.

Read more about our mission partner philosophy here.

Grace Global Mission Partners


A global family of ministries that exists to fulfill the Great Commission by multiplying leaders, churches, and missions movements among every people.


Haiti Bible Mission

HBM’s ministry focuses on empowering indigenous Haitian leaders through discipleship, local church involvement, education, community development, and short-term missions.


Overland Missions

Providing extensive on the ground training for future missionaries desiring to serve in the remotest parts of the world, Overland is committed to the gospel.


The Mission Haiti

The Mission Haiti is devoted to helping Haiti’s children start school and stay in school, through one-one scholarships that provide each child the resources to continue their education.


Grace Local Mission Partners

Highlands County Youth for Christ

Heartland Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Beauty Fit for a Queen

APCI Restoring the Way

Choices Family Resource Center

Radical Prison Ministries

Click to download our mission partnership philosophy
or to learn more about a particular mission partner, email us!